Grain Aeration/Drying FAQ’s
Q1/ What type of silos will our silo kits fit in?
All types, normal silo kits up to 200 tonne, and flat bottom silos require flat floor perforated plenums.
Q2/ How many silos can you aerate at one time?
Two at once, however, if you have a manifold system you can successfully do four.
Q3/ How do you aerate a flat bottom silo?
With flat floor perforated plenums.
Q4/ What size are the blowers? KW? HP? Electric/petrol/diesel? Single phase or three phase? How many amps for electric?
2.2kw electric or 3HP, single phase, you require 15amp to run them. Petrol and diesel are also available.
Q5/ How long will it take to dry the grain at 14% moisture content?
Can take a couple of days depending on the ambient temperature, if it’s a hot day it may only take one day, depending on the tonnage.
Q6/ Why would you use petrol compared to electric?
The main reason why you would use petrol is if no power supply was available.
Q7/ How long do you run the blower for?
Depending on the ambient temperature, farmers use a probe to check the moisture content etc.
Q8/ How do you install the silo kit?
We have diagrams and instructions online or you can watch a short video demonstration from our website-Go to “Grain Aeration/Drying Videos”, located on side menu bar.
Q9/ What does our system allow the % of moisture to store grain at?
Q10/ How does the system work?
The system works the same as an evaporative airconditioner, the grain is like the filters in the airconditioner and the hot air is extracted out the top of the silo.
Q11/ Should the silo be full to aerate/dry the grain?
No, smaller batches will dry faster.
Q12/ Can I run the system with a control or do I need to use it manually?
Yes, we have thermostat control available here which controls temperature and humidity.
Q13/ Do I need to buy more than one blower if I have more than two silos?
No, you can just use the one blower and move it along to do another two and so on.
Q14/ What is in a kit? Identify each product.
Blank off plates, Duct end connectors, straight adapter, plenum, lever locks and extractaflex.
Q15/ How much does it cost to do two silos compared to one?
Electric Option-One grain fan and one kit is priced at $ 3,027 GST inc plus freight. Twin kit with fan is priced at $ 3,435 GST inc plus freight.
Petrol Option- One grain fan and one kit is priced at $ 3,420 GST inc plus freight. Twin kit with fan is priced at $ 3,831 GST inc plus freight.
Q16/ What are the main purposes to aerate the grain?
Chemical free and also stops insects from getting in to the grain, also cooling the grain to prevent mould and to store for long term.
Q17/ Do I get a warranty? If so, how long is it?
12 Months
Q18/ Are they readily available? If not, what is the estimated time?
They are usually readily available, however in some certain circumstances it can be a 10 working day delay.